Wisteria is DONE! DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!
She needs to have a lovely shampoo and a nice block and when that has been accomplished I'll be back with pics. I'm DELIGHTED! Time to knit----- 6 weeks and 1 day. I think we can drop that one day among friends and call it 6 weeks. Not too shabby. I'll photograph when blocked and dry. (sigh)
I've cast on for The Prismatic Scarf (even though it did make my brain wrinkle a time or two--- I think the cables from Wisteria did something to my brain)--- in the lovely Manos Silk Blend. It is my travel project for the moment. The stitch pattern is going to highlight the gorgeous hand dye very nicely.
Yarn is scheduled to arrive today for TWO new projects a nubbly chunky navy wool for a vest and the yarn for the Ravenna Sachel. Can I have a week off please?
The new week dawns.....................have a good one and get knittin!
Congratulations on your FO. You have a lovely knitterly autumn mapped out - enjoy!
Hooray! Hurry up and get that thing blocked! This Wisteria, even unblocked, is a gorgeous yummy cable-y confection!
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