Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!
When my daughter was little and October 31st arrived, her clarion cry was "Happy Halloweenie"!!!!!!!!!!! It holds quite a bit less magic now that she is in her twenties, believe me!
No matter if you are out partying tonight, or celebrating a birthday (happy birthday Giuliano!), or handing out candy to the neighborhood kids---- enjoy it all!
And................ Happy Halloweenie!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Intarsia front to back

It has gotten cold here, although it is 'milding' up as we speak and should be nice enough for the next week or so. My right hand is back to its old trick of getting wicked cold on me and I'm wishing for a pair of fingerless gloves so I can warm up the hands and still be able to keep working. We'll see how that goes, as ever there is just not enough time in the day.
No knitting bride from last weekend because she was............. focused. Yeah, that's it, focused. I now wish that I had gone ahead and taken the shot, you know, made her work for it! :) This Saturday's bride is a delight so I think it is game on.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
New Harmony Finale

I'll see you soon New Harmony----- maybe we're meant to be!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Road Trip to New Harmony Part Deux

I love split rail fences, they always remind me of trips to Gatlinburg or places in the Great Smokies or along the Blue Ridge. So evocative of a gentler time don't you think? This split rail fence ran near where there is half of an entire (small) street lined with very, very old log cabins. The cabins are locked and you can not enter unless you take the tour. Reasonably priced at $9.00 for adults, we didn't partake due to time constraints. I would LOVE to take it the next time we go.

The menu was really yummy sounding and I couldn't decide. I took our waitresses suggestion and ordered the meatloaf, fingerling potatoes and steamed broccoli.

I stopped at a small gallery (one of many) along the way to purchase a pair of pewter earrings. They're french wires and the discs are about an inch in diameter----- of a labyrynth. Truly unique and wonderful! While there I purchased a copper labyrynth on a leather necklace for a gift.

Monday, October 27, 2008
Road Trip to New Harmony
We were supposed to go to Nashville for the weekend but that pooped out through no fault of our own and we'd already rented the car so it seemed meant to be. With a full tank of gas and the day to enjoy, knitting in tow and a fresh cup of Pumpkin Spice Latte it was time to head out, about 2 hours and 15 minutes of driving, a splendid fall day and no work to be done!

The sidewalks, homes --- well, everywhere--- were surrounded by gorgeous trees showing off for fall.

One of the many incredible quotes from Merton, near the statue honoring him. Thoughts like this definitely add to the feeling of the town as a whole.

At this point I'm ready to become a resident, very few places have inspired me to know that I could easily live and work here. The locals were warm and friendly and as it is a walking town, the residents gather in the mornings and evenings at one of the local restaurants and especially the coffee house where they cuss and discuss and gather like communities of old.
Part II must be lunch because you know I'm always hungry!!!!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
National Make a Difference Day
I received the following last week and found it wonderful as well as inspiring. In no way do I mean it to be a commercial or an endorsement, just something to make our collective wheels turn.
As I always say (and generally believe)----------
In that way we all make a difference!
It all started with a piece of trash...
Matthew Emerzian, a successful music industry executive in
“My co-worker quickly asked me what I was doing,” Emerzian recalled. “I explained what I thought to be the obvious, but apparently I was wrong.” To the co-worker, litter simple belonged to the litterer, not to the population as a whole.
“I explained to him that litter and pollution are everyone's problem not just the person who couldn't find the trash can for their cup lid. He profoundly responded with 'Dude, you're weird.'”
Emerzian, now 38, walked back to his office both angry and sad.
“I couldn't believe that someone could remove themselves so far from the greater good of our world.”
Matt began to think, 'what if everyone in the country picked up one piece of litter on the same day.' Or 10 pieces! The math was easy, yet so powerful. He then began to think of a few other easy things that 300 million Americans could do to make a difference.
From this, a great idea was born. He called his friend, Kelly Bozza, and told her that he wanted to write a book about how all of us can make a difference with our lives. Within a week, they had over 100 items on their list and were ready to start writing.
Their book, titled Every Monday Matters...52 Ways to Make a Difference, has sold 120,000 copies. It is both powerful and thought-provoking. The ideas are simple - small acts that collectively add up to an enormous impact for the greater good. It's 144 pages with lots of illustrations - chocked full of big ideas.
Dr. Martin Luther King said, “Everyone has the power of greatness; not for fame, but greatness. Because greatness is determined by service.”
Also, today, I am pleased to offer you a way to get started with making every Monday matter, in honor of National Make a Difference Day, Sunday, October 25. The tip for week 41 is to use a re-usable shopping bag.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Long Awaited Boogie Photos

Nevertheless, here are the very long awaited photos of this vest. As usual, the color navy is one of the hardest to true up on screen. In PhotoShop one can adjust the color balance and run any assortment of actions but the color still (for me anyway) is not the rich true navy that is my Boogie.

I'd actually like to knit it again as a Christmas gift------ super fast, classic and fun.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
No Dragon.........Draggin

Monday is behind me, you would think that I'd be caught up. Not so. Further behind if that is even a possibility.
While we sort through the images from the wedding last weekend I'll share one of the high (or low?) points................ the bride was, shall we say, detailed. Her cake was in the thousands and thousands of dollars and featured embellishments, crystals to be precise, from France. As in the country not the bakery. After we had arrived at the reception, inexplicably in a tent without heaters on a very cold October evening------ it was discovered that the cake had been in a car accident. Thank heavens the delivery drivers were not hurt, however the cake was not so lucky. By the time the cake miraculously arrived at the reception very late in the evening it was in critical care. To be honest the best thing to do should have been to go to the local grocery store and buy a freakin' sheet cake, but noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, no says the bride. The cake that arrived looked like it had been patted back together from a million fragments with spackle and frosting. Obviously no one actually ATE it, although it was served.
My dogs are sick (again)............ this time we seem to have the puppy flu that comes along with very loose.......... well you know. I'm so tired of cleaning up dog mess I could scream. The carpet shampooer that was purchased when I returned from Phoenix has not only paid for itself and then some but has taken up permanent residence lately. Sheesh.
On the knitting front, I frogged the 9 rows of intarsia from the Ravenna Satchel. I think I was too distracted and it went rather badly off course. I don't find a way to nicely and neatly frog back intarsia in a way that has a saving grace at the end so I just destroyed the whole thing and have now cast on again and completed the first purl row. I'm kind of bummed to be honest.
Regardless----------- we all forge ahead, does it seem that forging is what we do best?
Friday, October 17, 2008
Laughter is the very best medicine
A friend who happens to be a Police Officer sent me this email today, and I have to admit it made me laugh in a way that felt pretty good.
I pass it on here for your pleasure, your new name in all of its wonderful and juvenile glory:
Here is your dose of humor...
A. Follow the instructions to find your new name.
And don't go all adult - a senior manager is now known far & wide as Dorky Gizzardsniffer!
The following is excerpted from a children's book, "Captain Underpants And the Perilous Plot Professor Poopypants", by Dave Pilkey, in which the evil Professor forces everyone to assume new names...
1. Use the third letter of your first name to determine your New first name:
a = snickle
b = doombah
c = goober
d = cheesy
e = crusty
f = greasy
g = dumbo
h = farcus
i = dorky
j = doofus
k = funky
l = boobie
m = sleezy
n = sloopy
o = fluffy
p = stinky
q = slimy
r = dorfus
s = snooty
t = tootsie
u = dipsy
v = sneezy
w = liver
x = skippy
y = dinky
z = zippy
2. Use the second letter of your last name to determine the first half of your new last name:
a = dippin
b = feather
c = b atty
d = burger
e = chicken
f = barffy
g = lizard
h = waffle
i = farkle
j = monkey
k = flippin
l = fricken
m = bubble
n = rhino
o = potty
p = hamster
q = buckle
r = gizzard
s = lickin
t = snickle
u = chuckle
v = pickle
w = hubble
x = dingle
y = gorilla
z = girdle
3. Use t he third letter of your last name to determine the second half of your new last name:
a = butt
b = boob
c = face
d = nose
e = hump
f = breath
g = pants
h = shorts
i = lips
j = honker
k = head
l = tush
m = chunks
n = dunkin
o = brains
p = biscuits
q = toes
r = doodle
s = fanny
t = sniffer
u 3D sprinkles
v = frack
w = squirt
x = humperdinck
y = hiney
z = juice
Thus, for example, Barack Obama's new name is: Snickle Featherbutt.
I can't wait to hear YOUR new name........ mine is Sloopy Farkle Chunks.
C'mon....... that is some funny stuff! I know that somebody out there is Boobie Dingle Butt!
For those of you heading to Rhinebeck this weekend, have the very best of times, live large and make sure you stimulate the economy!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Another bride in the knitterly way

Speaking of Boogie, it is finished and blocking as we speak. That navy wool took about 4 rinses to get all of the bleeding color out of the water. I hope that when it is worn the color leak will not be a problem! Just to be sure I will recommend that it not be worn the first time over a white shirt of any kind!
Currently the project is the Ravenna Satchel and I'm STILL knitting the black sections. With any luck I'll have them finished today. (That sounded dreadfully optimistic even to my own ears!)
For those living in the U.S., the last Presidential Debate is tonight---------- of course I will be watching but quite frankly, I will be so glad when it is all over. It seems we have larger battles to contend with both globally and here at home and the endless bickering is wearing me plumb to a nub!
Monday, October 13, 2008
First Bride of the Knit

Pi Are has gone back into semi-hibernation while I finish the usual zillion things on my desk and try my hardest to get Boogie OFF my needles. (This I believe will happen this evening but that depends on the relative solace I can find to do my three needle bind off on the shoulder seams).
The bottom of the Ravenna Satchel has been completed and the back is cast on and sitting for the happy end of Boogie to give it adequate attention. I'm already bored pretty crazy of black stockinette in it's pre-felted condition for the back and bottom of this great bag. Thankfully with doubled worsted weight and size 15's it zooms along nicely.
Get knittin!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Knit on a Happy Face

We're lucky as knitters, as quilters or as creative people. Without a doubt we do put on a happy (or happier) and more peaceful face when we are in the process of creating. For me the process of knitting is even more important in these crazy times.
I've always been a process knitter, how about you? "They" say that knitters (and I believe it translates to other creative endeavors) are either driven by the process or the product, that is to say the creation or the final outcome. Because I usually have something in a knitting bag somewhere that speaks to the mindless knit (like the miles of knit stitches in my eternally in progress Pi Are Square), the desire to just be able to pick up a project and enter Zen with very little effort. Knitters and creators of personal art everywhere are saying that they NEED to enter this zone of peace and creativity. The act of this creation, for me the KNIT, is not only satisfying to create 'something' but the act itself is bliss. That bliss space is much needed as the world seems to be spinning out of our control.
On a really great front, gas prices are falling, yay!
Unleaded Gasoline Average Prices | ||||
St. Louis | USA | Trend | ||
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | 3.159 3.203 3.442 3.651 2.752 | 3.264 3.264 3.477 3.666 2.761 | ![]() |
The lovely navy blue knitted happy that is the Boogie vest is nearly ready for the armhole decreases on the front. I have every hope to have it finished by the close of Monday, Columbus Day (known to me as No, I'm Really Not Working Today). This simple vest is really cute, super easy, and as close to mindless as a single cable column can be. Don't get me wrong, I'll be glad to get it done because the next project in the queue is intarsia! It's a bit hard, my advance copy of the sequel to "Friday Night Knitting Club", "Knit Two" has arrived and it calls me to sit and have a good read. So far it is quite good and promises to be a wonderfully satisfying read.
Big wedding today, hopefully there will be a knitting bride. I have cheated you of the knitting bride from last week---- it has been a crazy few days. Maybe this week will be a double-header!
Remember now more than ever to count your blessings and pass one on......................... and GET KNITTIN'!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Wanted: More Chaise Time

So who doesn't want more chaise lounge time? Please! A slam dunk if ever there was one. My chaise is above, I've been spending every non-working moment there (although there are never enough!) In progress is the super down and dirty knitted vest pattern from the archives of "Boogie". The blue is picking up a lighter cast due to the flash, it is in reality a true and deep navy blue. The back is almost done in this chunky yarn with the front hopefully to cast on tonight. I left the front for last as the miles of plain old stockinette knit would have driven me crazy after knitting the cable pattern on the front.
I promised I'd get that out of the way before beginning the Ravenna Satchel that I'm so anxious to get started. My colors are below MINUS a pop of orange that I can't find just the right shade of. A trip to my LYS will happen this week to find the perfect thing.

The back, bottom and sides of the bag are the 'coal' (bottom), in clockwise fashion the 'cloud' (cream) is the front, the 'jalapeno' will be the leaves, 'blackberry' are the smaller flowers, and 'cranberry' is the large center flower motif. As I said, accents will be the orange soon to come. As always the camera does a less than perfect job of displaying the colors accurately. I'm pleased with the colors, overall I think it will 'read' in the berry tones.
Back to work for me, with a bit of push there should be time on the chaise later this evening!