I'm enjoying my group with "Creating in the Midst", good people and Melba brings us to a great topic, of never enough time to create things that make our hearts sing. That really resonates for me! It's no secret that I feel stressed and half crazy because I do not get done the projects I would like to on any sort of timely basis. But in reality it is only me that causes the pressure and the feelings of stress! I commented to the group "On time------ it is SO very fleeting. And because we as creative people have so much to do 'just because' and so much more we want to do in order to find creative expression and solace I try to BE IN THE MOMENT. It is horribly difficult for me, I tend to think about a zillion things and fly through the stuff I don't want to do. I have found that when I slow down deliberately and take small bites from all I do, it makes me more able to really feel it all. For me, it slows time (a bit) because I am trying to enjoy every second instead of rush through it on my way to something else. Does that make sense? I think it only stands to reason that when we are rushing to do something other than the task at hand, WE make the time go faster! We make the summer go faster for example because we are rushing through it trying to do what we think will cause our maximum enjoyment! It has been said by those far wiser than I that the only time we can find peace and happiness is in the present moment so that makes me try harder to slow and savor the seconds. Each day is such a gift, it is our (MY?) shortcoming not to more fully appreciate them.
So, yet again, I take a deep breath and enjoy the now. I make choices to go knit a bit on Liesl instead of running the vacuum or catching up on ironing. I'll be in my chair happily waiting on the first Project Runway along with all my Group 4 peeps from Ravelry! (Hey knitters!)

Enjoy your now, I'll do the same and we'll compare notes!
Ahh the beauty shop.. yeah, I think its all salon now, but I call it the Fountain of Youth.
Love all the knitting, I often feel envious when I see it.
Wow. Pictures of knitting. Weird.
"Creating in the Midst" sounds like a neat idea. I will have to check it out a little closer.
Love the pi!
By the way...my blog is now restored!
If they're not called beauty shops anymore, they should be!
I haven't seen Liesl yet in person, but I love the color! I think that knitting yokes (and sock foots, and similar) is like shopping...if you have to ask, it's not long enough :)
Hey, are you in the Pi group at Knitty? How's that going? Wanted to but got sidetracked...
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