So it was a decision made of agony. The biggest lesson learned is not to knit under the influence of supah-drugs. Not worth it! :) While I chipped away during my back pain on my sweater, a row here a row there, apparently I didn't look at it in progress. Or saw it through glazed eyes of madness. Or something. Because Sunday, lo and behold there it was............rows back, the simple cables had reversed direction. The cables look great below, as well as above. But there in the past was the cable that was the culprit. Damn and double damn. The second cable above the ribbing. Now mind you, I knit the ribbing (never my favorite) three times until it pleased me, and then I knit to the second cable once and frogged back to knit a size smaller as it was huge, really huger than huge. I was 29 rows in. Decision time. Agony time. I took the sweater to knit group and dear RMS said in part that you'd really never notice it. I mean a KNITTER would, but really, most people wouldn't. It was on the back. If it would make me crazy rip it out. Would it? Hmmmmm. Leonora of perfectionist fame said you'd be crazy not to frog the sweater to the ribbing and begin again. Just as I decided to rip back, a calm came over me and I decided to soldier on.
There are perfectionists out there and I have decided that I am not one of them. Will the twisty spot bother me to the point that I will hate the sweater? Nope. Does this mean that I am a lazy or sloppy knitter? Nope again.
What I have learned is twofold during this calamity. First is that it is not a calamity at all. It is knitting and I knit for peace and sanity and the joy of it. Soldiering on, in THIS instance anyway is okey dokey. For me---------- maybe not for you. And that is the bigger okay of it all.
Remember it has not been that long since I have determined to be a calmer knitter this year, a calmer creative soul in all endeavors. That includes not getting crazy if I don't crank out a sweater in 3 weeks, or a quilt in 4. I'm trying to be kinder to myself in not only this part of my life but in others as well. So far so good I think.
I've also decided that I still love Alexi----- it is a lovely sweater knit of wonderful yarn and I am enjoying the process (even drugged apparently). And I am more than likely not going to get it finished in any sort of record time nor will I probably get to enjoy it much this season, if at all. And that is OKAY. It is the process, the relaxing sit with whatever time I have to spend growing a cardigan I will hopefully own for many many years.
Even with a small faux pas, to mark the time and remember the Christmas when my back decided to go on a brief and painful hiatus............ I will revel in the knit of it.

Above is last Saturday's bride, strapless in downright cold weather, sandals too! She's rockin' the sweater.
I've also picked up a book again, and won't feel guilty about just reading it with a cup of tea, not kick myself that I am reading when I should be knitting, that the sweater will not get done not get done noooooot get done. It's okay. And should you suggest that I read while I knit I will smile and gently tell you that it just simply ain't my thang.
It's all good, and with the conundrum solved I can be peaceful about it.
Until next time that is!

Adorable bride of knitting tells me that she knits. Personally I think no self respecting knitter would not wield the circs like that but that is just my opinion! I adored this bride and her husband, I'm hoping that they set the trend for '09 brides! She was mighty cold in that little dress and it could just be that she was wishing she could wrap up in that bit of woolly goodness!
My back is pretty good and feel as if I am actually back on top of things both work and domestic. It's been hard fought I'm telling you! All things Christmas are put neatly away in their appropriate place, and the house is even clean. Most happily of all I find that I am able to get work done and remember what I was doing and when......... well for the most part anyway. I'm still pacing myself just because. I might even get some knitting done later, or not!