I've spent IGBD catching up on paperwork, making a zillion phone calls, getting ready to launch two new websites next week (no pressure there) and preparing for tomorrows wedding. I even waxed the hardwoods at o'dark'thirty because I was in a non sleeping mode last night.

For those of you that would like to celebrate IGBD with me the simple recipe follows.
- 1 package panko breadcrumbs, toast gently in a dry sautepan, stirring constantly until lightly browned
- 1 block firm tofu, drained and sliced into 1 inch planks. Drain on weighted toweling for half an hour
- 1/2 cup coconut
- 1 egg (sorry vegans), beaten
- 1 ripe peach
- 1 ripe mango
- red pepper flakes to taste
- 2 tbs. red onion
- 2 tbs. chopped parsley or my favorite, cilantro
- a squeeze of fresh lemon
- 4 tbs. good quality balsamic vinegar
While the tofu is draining, mix the panko and the coconut. Into the egg, dredge the drained/tofu. Then dredge through the panko mixture, coating both sides well.
In a saute pan with 'just enough' olive oil, saute the tofu, fast enough to give it a nice crust, slow enough not to cook too quickly and become really tough. Maybe 3-4 minutes a side on medium.
While that is sauteing cut up the peach and mango in to small dice and squeeze a lemon over to keep them from browning and adding a little tang. Finely chop the red onion and mix well with the parsley and red pepper flakes to taste. I use 1/2 tsp. Splash on the balsamic and give it a turn in the bowl.
When the tofu is done, arrange on a plate with the salsa and have a go at it. This should serve 4, with a nice salad and maybe some brown rice you've got it made. Personally, I'm not wild about leftover tofu when it has been sauteed; I think the texture goes a little wonky, but that is just me. So share!
Slowly, Liesl is progressing. My plan is to knit her as long as I have yarn. Since it was stash yarn and quite vintage there is no hope of getting more but I think it will be quite perfect just wherever it lands. There are 4 50 g balls left, each ball seems to add about 2 inches.

Oh yum....I bet I could replace the panko with some gf crumbs....I love tofu...
Yum! That tofu looks amazing. Panko crumbs are the best. I used them to make eggplant parmesan (more like eggplant panko), and for once the eggplant was actually crispy!
I love tofu, but I have never been able to prepare it myself. I always order it when I go out though. I am the same with fried chicken...can't make it despite several attempts.
Oh yum! I know what I'm having for dinner tonight. Thanks for the recipe. I'm off to buy a mango.
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