I’ll start of by saying that I did buy jammies today! Two pair, a flannel gown in red with little black terrier dogs and snowflakes, cozy and cute. Definitely not street wear, I wouldn't parade around with pups on my clothes after all. I'm actually wearing them right this very minute, trying them out to see if they are appropriately wallowy. I know, I know, the thought of a woman in red flannel doggie jammies tells you right off the bat that I am just HOT! :) The second pair---- oh honey the second pair. They say very loud and clear, get the bloody heck away from me because I’m being lazy and doing whatever I doggone well please, there is no serious work happening here! They say it in stronger language but why give my Mom a hissy eh? Even if the doorbell should ring (with my order from Webs, the new Melissa Morgan-Oakes book, “Two At A Time Socks” my mailman will know---- leave this woman alone! There will be no cooking, no cleaning no nothin’!!!!!!!!!! My seriously off-the-clock-relaxing jammies are LEOPARD!!!!!!!!! FLANNEL LEOPARD. They’re fab. I love all things leopard, my addiction started about 5 years ago, heck I made leopard lampshades for the chandelier in the dining room!
Secondly, I had a nice time doing a little shopping today. I do find as always that shopping is seriously overrated. (Unless you are in a yarn shop but that's different!) I did manage to pick up a couple things but mostly the afternoon was a leisurely stroll through the mall with no agenda. Except jammies. I walked by Abercrombie and Fitch and saw a fantastic sweater in the front of the store and had to see it up close. It was brown and cream and knit on a huge fat, very soft yarn…….. a bit of color work and a pocket in the front. The hang tag said hand knit and it was almost $400.00. Four Hundred Dollars, are you KIDDING me? Probably knit by someone who got paid .50 cents for her work. Yeeesh. Clearly, my nephew who loves all things Abercrombie needs to be one heckuva lot nicer to me!!!!!

I’ve cast on for a little scarf, a one skeiner from the Artful Yarns ‘Broadway’. Just a simple little diagonal scarf but fun and NOT holiday gift knitting, woo hoo! I'm still weighing options for the coming big wallow knit. You know. The knitting to be done wearing my leopard jammies. While ordering pizza and eating the cookie and candy remnants. With no makeup on (but that kinda' goes without saying, yes?)
And tucked away in a location so secret I refuse to tell myself until December 26th are new knitting magazines------------- ah!!!!!!!!!!If you’re on Ravelry---- add me to your friends, that would be great! Don’t look at my stuff, I confess to being a real slacker when it comes to adding projects, yarns or the like. Sorry about that! I’m (what else) Knitting Contessa.
Now, onto todays’ Knitting Contrisstmas Interview! It is a
I love a surprise---- and this is a good one, I promise!!!
The interview is a clickable one----- more than print Blitters (Knitting Blog Readers)---- it is more!!!!!! I'm not telling you right now because, well, that would ruin the surprise and I'm all about the Big Buildup!
To claim your Holiday Surprise:
See you tomorrow! Get Knittin'!
yay! a new Stash and Burn....just when we thought they were gone for the year!
You need a book.
I just bought that book!!
How are you liking it???
2008 is the year of socks for me! :o)
I have never heard of Stash & Burn before and I am LUVIN them! Thanks for the intro to them!
That was probably the biggest Christmas surprise I will get this year. Yay! a nice juicy knitting podcast, when I thought they were all done for a few weeks. :-) :-) :-)
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