Although there is much work to be done---- it's time NOT to do work. Well, at least the kind that pays the bills. Instead yesterday I spent the day cleaning *(right down to glorious floors)* and cooking like a madwoman. My oldest daughter arrives with husband and three great grandsons--- and let Thanksgiving begin! Turkey and stuffing and mashed potatoes, two kinds of sweet potatoes, 5 cup salad, my favorite cranberry sauce and green bean casserole. Pumpkin and Pecan Pie---- and a deep dish apple crisp. As always it seems so much to do in order to eat in a fraction of the time. I played my apple game, the one where you challenge yourself to peel an apple with a paring knife and not break the long curl of apple peel. Once again I failed. With luck that will be the only failure of the day.
I do feel as if I've left out some important details. Popping over to the online presence of
Butterball to check how long it takes to roast an unstuffed 17 pound bird (because I never remember)------ I found a checklist for the most perfect of holidays. Listed for the day before was:
- Make your table centerpiece. See our Dressing up your Table ideas.
- • Set the table.
- • Pick out your outfit and iron it.
- • Clear out the coat closet for guest coats.
- • Clean the guest bathroom and put clean towels in the bathroom
Darn, and I forgot to pick out my outfit and iron it. And double darn, there is no table centerpiece this year, not a Thanksgiving one anyway. I confess that I've decorated for Christmas already, for the boys naturally. So turkey napkins are happily residing on the table (which Ms. Butterball I set the day before) with Christmas bric a brac.
For The Big Day the fine folks suggest:
Thursday (Thanksgiving Day)
• Eat breakfast — everyone will be happier if they aren’t trying to get ready hungry.
• Make the stuffing in the morning and stuff the turkey right before it’s ready to go in the oven.
• Make sure to get the turkey in the oven early so that it will ready at the scheduled dinnertime.
• Get everyone involved. Assign someone in the family to greet guests, some to take coats, someone to pass around appetizers, someone to fill water glasses and get drinks, etc.
• Get containers ready for guests to take home leftovers.
• Enjoy your meal and enjoy your guests.
I have not eaten breakfast, I'm wrestling a turkey----- the stuffing is outta the bird. Scheduled dinnertime? And as far as getting everyone involved, I'm pretty much sure that ship has sailed! This crew strongly believes that everything is MY JOB. They tell me it's tradition. If I showed up with a nice pressed outfit they'd no doubt wet themselves.
Everyone heads out Saturday night to drive back to the East Coast, I'll be ready for some knitting and quiet but will surely miss the wildness of a house full of loved ones of all ages.
Hope you have a fabulous and very Happy Thanksgiving!!!